As of 4 days ago Jaden has been out for 1 year and as of today Jaden will be back in 1 year!!! He is doing awesome! And I am so proud of him. You can tell through the pictures that he is having a great time and making the most of his mission.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Jaden is going to
be hitting his
eleventh 11month
out in three days.
Holy Cow! He is
having such a great
time. Boy does time
fly. (Literally) :P
Thursday, November 11, 2010
All of these recent pictures I just posted are somewhat new... they are not neccessarily in order but they're here :) Sorry for the wait.
Jaden killed this rat in their home with his machete!
Jaden has now been out for 6 months!!!!!!!! WOWZERS! :D
This is his little celebration..... he made Pancho Villa Tacos and wrote on a tie.
Monday, May 10, 2010
This is a turtle belonging to one of the Haitian families. It lives in a 5 gallon bucket in the bathroom - this is apparently better than living in the oily and polluted ocean.
Hermano Garcia
2nd Counselor in the Bishopric
Jaden says it is typical for the Dominicans to wear clothing and have no idea what it says.
This is 13 Year old Kenia. They don't have a lot of baptismal clothing there so they look for anything that is all white, this is a doctor's lab coat. Kenia is with a member of the ward who is like a mother to her.
Elder Anderson joining Elder LeCheminant and Elder Turley on splits.
This is Jaden with "Turley" the cute puppy named after him.
This is one of Jaden's famous "Pocket Shots" :)
A good ole' fashion light switch.
Now that has genius written ALL over it.
The Boy kneeling is Hector (16 yrs.), his mother is standing behind him holding the baby. The others are ward members.
Chillin' in his Hammock
Jaden sleeps in this every night,
he says it is more comfortable than his bed
Teta De Vaca (Cow Teat)
Monday, April 5, 2010
The Temple in Santo Domingo
Picking Coconuts from the rooftop
Jaden showing his knife skills.
Rice........ Rice................... And more rice!
Elder Turley and Elder LeCheminant
teaching English Lessons
Money makes the world go round.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The people of Hainamosa - February 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Elder Turley - Joseph Smith . . . Do we see the resemblance?